Understanding and Managing Peer Pressure: A Guide for Parents

Peer pressure, a common part of adolescence, is the influence that individuals within the same age group exert on each other. This influence can impact behaviors, values, and self-perception and may occur directly or indirectly (Steinberg, 2014). While peer pressure can sometimes lead to positive behaviors—such as improved school performance or involvement in community activities—it often leads to risky behaviors, especially during teenage years. As parents, understanding how peer pressure works and knowing how to support your child in managing it can make a significant difference.

Types of Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can take various forms, and understanding these can help parents identify when their child might be under influence:

  1. Direct Peer Pressure: This is the most explicit form and involves a peer openly urging another to engage in a specific behavior (Allen et al., 2006). For example, a teen might directly encourage a friend to try smoking or drinking.
  2. Indirect Peer Pressure: This type is more subtle and may not involve explicit urging. Instead, it stems from the desire to fit in or mimic others’ behaviors to be accepted by a group (Brechwald & Prinstein, 2011). Teens often model themselves after popular peers or those in leadership roles, adopting their behaviors and attitudes.
  3. Positive Peer Pressure: Not all peer pressure is harmful. Positive peer pressure can encourage teens to pursue constructive activities, such as participating in sports, studying harder, or avoiding substances. Friends can support each other in making healthy choices (Simons-Morton & Farhat, 2010).
  4. Negative Peer Pressure: This type involves peers influencing each other to engage in harmful or risky behaviors, including drug or alcohol use, cheating, or skipping school (Gardner & Steinberg, 2005).

The Impact of Peer Pressure on Adolescents

Adolescents are particularly susceptible to peer pressure because of developmental changes. During the teenage years, individuals become more independent from their families and start to rely more on peer relationships for emotional and social support (Albert et al., 2013). Additionally, the adolescent brain is highly sensitive to rewards, and the presence of peers can increase risk-taking behavior (Steinberg, 2014).

Research indicates that peer influence can shape a teen’s values and behaviors more than parental influence during certain stages of adolescence (Simons-Morton & Farhat, 2010). For example, teens who associate with peers involved in substance use are more likely to engage in these behaviors themselves (Allen et al., 2006). However, this influence can also lead to positive behaviors if they are surrounded by supportive and motivated peers.

Recognizing Signs of Peer Pressure

Parents should look out for signs that their child may be experiencing negative peer pressure, which can include:

  • Changes in Behavior or Appearance: Sudden changes in clothing, interests, or behavior may indicate attempts to conform to a peer group.
  • Withdrawal from Family: Increased secrecy, reluctance to share information, or withdrawal from family activities may suggest a shift in influence toward peers.
  • Academic Decline: Dropping grades or lack of interest in school could signal that your teen is prioritizing peer acceptance over responsibilities.
  • Mood Changes: Increased anxiety, mood swings, or depression could be responses to the stress of peer influence or trying to meet unrealistic group expectations (Prinstein & Dodge, 2008).

How Parents Can Support Their Children

1. Open Communication

Fostering open, honest communication is essential. Regular conversations with your child can encourage them to share their feelings and experiences. According to a study by Dishion and Tipsord (2011), teens who have strong parental support and communication are more resilient against negative peer influence.

2. Teach Decision-Making Skills

Help your child develop decision-making skills and build confidence in their own choices. Parents can model assertive behavior and provide their children with tools to resist pressure, such as practicing saying “no” or suggesting alternatives (Albert et al., 2013).

3. Encourage Healthy Friendships

Encourage your teen to build relationships with peers who share positive values. Research shows that supportive friendships can act as a protective factor, reducing susceptibility to negative peer pressure (Allen et al., 2006). Get to know your child’s friends and their parents to understand the influences surrounding your teen.

4. Discuss the Consequences of Risky Behaviors

Have open discussions about the risks associated with certain behaviors, such as substance use or skipping school. Understanding the potential consequences can empower teens to make informed decisions (Simons-Morton & Farhat, 2010).

5. Model Positive Behavior

Parents are influential role models. Demonstrating responsible behavior and discussing how you handle social pressures can provide a framework for your teen (Brechwald & Prinstein, 2011). When teens see their parents handling pressure assertively and responsibly, they are more likely to emulate those behaviors.

6. Provide Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate your teen’s individuality and reinforce their positive choices. Positive reinforcement can increase their confidence, helping them resist the urge to conform to negative influences.


Understanding peer pressure and its impact on teenagers can help parents play an active role in guiding their children. By fostering open communication, modeling positive behaviors, and encouraging healthy friendships, parents can equip their teens with the tools they need to resist negative peer pressure. Supporting teens through these formative years is crucial, helping them build self-confidence and resilience to navigate peer influences effectively.

This article has been written by John S. Collier, MSW, LCSW. Mr. Collier has over 25 years of experience in thein the Social Work field. He currently serves as the Executive Director and service provider with Southeast Kentucky Behavioral Health based out of London Kentucky. Mr. Collier can be reached by phone at (606) 657-0532 extension 101 or by email [email protected].


  • Albert, D., Chein, J., & Steinberg, L. (2013). The Teenage Brain: Peer Influences on Adolescent Decision Making. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(2), 114–120.
  • Allen, J. P., Porter, M. R., McFarland, C., Marsh, P., & McElhaney, K. B. (2006). The Two Faces of Adolescents’ Success with Peers: Adolescent Popularity, Social Adaptation, and Deviant Behavior. Child Development, 76(3), 747–760.
  • Brechwald, W. A., & Prinstein, M. J. (2011). Beyond Homophily: A Decade of Advances in Understanding Peer Influence Processes. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 166–179.
  • Dishion, T. J., & Tipsord, J. M. (2011). Peer Contagion in Child and Adolescent Social and Emotional Development. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 189–214.
  • Gardner, M., & Steinberg, L. (2005). Peer Influence on Risk Taking, Risk Preference, and Risky Decision Making in Adolescence and Adulthood: An Experimental Study. Developmental Psychology, 41(4), 625–635.
  • Prinstein, M. J., & Dodge, K. A. (2008). Understanding Peer Influence in Children and Adolescents. The Guilford Press.
  • Simons-Morton, B., & Farhat, T. (2010). Recent Findings on Peer Group Influences on Adolescent Substance Use. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 31, 191–208.
  • Steinberg, L. (2014). Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

 Why Do We Follow What We Think Is Popular?

Imagine you’re sitting at lunch, and everyone around you is talking about the latest song, the coolest clothes, or the newest app. Suddenly, you feel a strong pull to check it out, too. But why do we feel this way? Why do we often follow what we think is popular, even if it’s not something we’re really into? In this article, we’ll explore why following trends and popular things is so tempting, especially for young people.

 1. The Power of Social Influence

Humans are social creatures, which means we often look to others to guide our behavior. This is known as social influence. Psychologists explain that we tend to follow others to fit in, especially when we’re in situations where we feel uncertain or uncomfortable. When we see many people liking something or talking about it, we assume it must be good or interesting. For pre-teens and teens, this desire to fit in is even stronger as you’re discovering your identity and forming social groups (Cialdini, 2007).

Social influence works in two main ways:

  • Normative Influence: This is when we follow others because we want to be accepted. We wear what’s “in style” or talk about the same things so we don’t feel left out.
  • Informational Influence: This is when we believe that others know something we don’t. If everyone in your class starts listening to a new band, you might assume that it’s worth listening to because so many people like it.

 2. The Role of the Brain

Did you know your brain also has a role in why we follow what’s popular? The prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and understanding social situations, is still developing during your pre-teen years. Because of this, young people are more likely to be influenced by what they see around them (Steinberg, 2013).

In fact, studies show that when people experience social acceptance or positive feedback from others, the brain releases a chemical called dopamine (Sherman et al., 2016). Dopamine is often called the “feel-good” hormone because it makes us feel happy and rewarded. This can make following trends or doing what others do even more appealing, as we get that rewarding feeling from being included.

 3. Social Media and Trends

Social media plays a big role in what we think is popular today. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat constantly show us the latest trends in fashion, music, and even behaviors. Algorithms on these platforms are designed to keep us engaged by showing us what’s popular or “viral.” Because we see so many people doing the same challenges, wearing similar outfits, or using the same slang, we might feel pressured to follow along.

Researchers have found that people tend to feel more confident in their choices when they believe others are making the same choices (Bond & Smith, 1996). This is called the bandwagon effect. On social media, when we see thousands of people liking, sharing, or commenting on something, we assume it’s worth paying attention to and are more likely to join in, even if we might not actually like it ourselves.

 4. Identity and Self-Expression

As pre-teens, you’re discovering who you are and how you want to be seen by others. Trying out trends is one way of exploring your identity. When we dress a certain way or listen to certain music, we’re also expressing our values and interests. Following popular trends can sometimes make it easier to connect with others who share similar interests, helping us feel like we belong to a group (Erikson, 1968).

However, there’s also a downside to this. If we focus too much on what others think is cool or popular, we might end up doing things just to fit in rather than because we truly enjoy them. Remember that it’s okay to be different and to like things that aren’t popular, too.

 5. Finding a Balance

While it’s natural to be influenced by what’s popular, it’s also important to find a balance. Here are some tips to help you stay true to yourself while navigating trends:

  • Ask yourself why: Before following a trend, ask yourself if it’s something you really like or if you’re just following it to fit in.
  • Experiment with different styles: It’s okay to try out different things and figure out what you like. You might find that you enjoy some trends and dislike others.
  • Stay open-minded: Being aware of trends can be fun, but remember that you don’t have to follow every trend to feel accepted or confident.

Following popular trends is something we all do at times, especially as we’re figuring out who we are. But by learning to think about why we’re drawn to certain trends, we can make more confident choices about what we really like. Trends come and go, but your unique personality and interests are what make you truly stand out.

This article has been written by John S. Collier, MSW, LCSW. Mr. Collier has over 25 years of experience in the social work field and is based in London Kentucky through Southeast Kentucky Behavioral Health, LLC. Mr. Collier may be reached by phone at (606) 657–0532 extension 101 or by email at [email protected].


  • Bond, R., & Smith, P. B. (1996). Culture and conformity: A meta-analysis of studies using Asch’s (1952b, 1956) line judgment task. Psychological Bulletin, 119(1), 111–137.
  • Cialdini, R. B. (2007). Influence: The psychology of persuasion. Harper Business.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Sherman, L. E., Payton, A. A., Hernandez, L. M., Greenfield, P. M., & Dapretto, M. (2016). The Power of the Like in Adolescence: Effects of Peer Influence on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Media. Psychological Science, 27(7), 1027-1035.
  • Steinberg, L. (2013). Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence. Houghton Mifflin
Feeling Like You’re Not Treated Fairly in Your Family: A Guide for Teens

It’s not unusual to feel like you’re being treated unfairly in your family. Maybe it seems like your siblings get more freedom, or perhaps you feel like your parents don’t listen to you as much as they should. Whatever the case, feeling overlooked or misunderstood can be frustrating. Learning how to handle these feelings can make a big difference in your family relationships and help you feel more understood and respected at home.

 Understanding Why You Might Feel This Way

Feeling like you’re not treated fairly can come from a lot of places. Sometimes it’s about comparing yourself to siblings, while other times it might be about feeling that your parents don’t understand your perspective. According to Dr. Karen Bogenschneider, a family relationship expert, teens often struggle with perceived inequality, especially if parents treat siblings differently. It’s natural to want fairness, but every family member may need different things at different times, which can sometimes look like favoritism .

 Fairness Doesn’t Always Mean Equality

One important thing to understand is that fairness and equality aren’t the same thing. Fairness is about getting what you need, while equality is about getting exactly the same thing as others. For example, if one of your siblings is younger, your parents might give them more help with schoolwork, while they trust you to work independently. This isn’t unfair; it’s just that your parents recognize you might not need as much guidance.

Dr. Michael Thompson, a psychologist who specializes in family dynamics, points out that parents make decisions based on each child’s unique needs and maturity level . So while it may look like your parents are treating you differently, it’s often because they’re considering what they think will work best for you individually.

 Communicating Your Feelings

When you feel like you’re not being treated fairly, it’s important to express those feelings constructively. Here’s how to have a calm and effective conversation with your family:

 1. Pick the Right Time

– Try to bring up your feelings during a calm moment when everyone is relaxed, rather than during an argument or right after something has upset you. According to the American Psychological Association, timing matters when it comes to discussing emotional issues; waiting until everyone is calm can make for a more positive conversation .

 2. Use “I Statements”

– Rather than saying, “You’re always unfair!” try saying, “I feel frustrated when I see my siblings getting different rules than I do.” “I statements” focus on your feelings and are less likely to make others defensive. Psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg suggests that using “I statements” helps people express their needs in a way that promotes understanding and reduces conflict .

 3. Ask Questions to Understand Your Parents’ Perspective

– You might say, “Can you help me understand why I have a different curfew than my sibling?” Asking questions can help you see things from your parents’ point of view, and it also shows them that you’re willing to listen.

Focusing on Your Strengths

Feeling like you’re not being treated fairly can sometimes make you feel less valued. During these times, it’s helpful to remember what makes you unique and focus on your strengths. Studies show that when teens focus on their own strengths, they tend to feel more confident and less affected by comparisons to others .

If you’re feeling overlooked, remind yourself of the things you’re good at and the positive qualities you bring to your family. Whether it’s your sense of humor, your creativity, or your ability to listen, every family member has unique strengths.

 Building Healthy Family Relationships

Maintaining a positive relationship with your family can be challenging, especially if you’re feeling misunderstood. However, working on those relationships can be rewarding and help you feel more connected to your family. Here are some tips for building healthy relationships at home:

 1. Show Appreciation

– Recognize the good things your family members do, even if it’s something small like making dinner or helping with homework. According to Dr. Robert Emmons, an expert in gratitude, expressing appreciation can improve relationships by making people feel valued and respected .

 2. Set Boundaries Respectfully

– It’s okay to let your family know when you need some space. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, politely let them know you need a little time alone to recharge.

 3. Be Open to Compromise

– Family relationships often require compromise. For example, if you want more freedom, consider negotiating with your parents—maybe you get a later curfew on weekends if you show responsibility during the week.

Seeking Support Outside Your Family

If you’re struggling with family dynamics, it can help to talk to someone outside your family, like a friend, teacher, counselor, or mentor. According to a study published in Journal of Youth and Adolescence, teens who have strong support systems outside their family tend to have better coping skills and feel more understood . Talking to someone else can give you a fresh perspective and help you find new ways to deal with your feelings.

 Remember: Family Relationships Take Time

Family dynamics aren’t always easy, and feeling misunderstood or overlooked is a common experience for teens. But remember that family relationships are long-term. As you grow and change, so will your relationships with your family. In the meantime, learning to communicate calmly, focus on your strengths, and find support outside your family can help you handle these challenges in a positive way.

Feeling like you’re not treated fairly in your family doesn’t have to lead to conflict or resentment. By expressing your feelings constructively, focusing on what makes you unique, and building positive family relationships, you can navigate these challenges and build a stronger connection with your family over time.

This article has been written by John S. Collier, MSW, LCSW. Mr. Collier has over 25 years of experience in the social work field and is based in London Kentucky through Southeast Kentucky Behavioral Health, LLC. Mr. Collier may be reached by phone at (606) 657–0532 extension 101 or by email at [email protected].


  1. Bogenschneider, K. (2004). Family Policy Matters: How Policymaking Affects Families and What Professionals Can Do. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  2. Thompson, M. (2001). The Pressured Child: Helping Your Child Find Success in School and Life. Ballantine Books.
  3. American Psychological Association. (2021). “Discussing Tough Topics with Family.” APA. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/.
  4. Rosenberg, M. (2015). Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. PuddleDancer Press.
  5. Waters, L., & Sun, J. (2017). “The Impact of Strength-Based Parenting on Life Satisfaction and Subjective Wellbeing of Adolescents.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(4), 848-861.
  6. Emmons, R. A. (2013). Gratitude Works!: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity. Jossey-Bass.
  7. Dubow, E. F., & Ullman, D. G. (1989). “Support, Stress, and Psychological Symptoms Among Early Adolescents.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 18(3), 191–204.
Seeking Help for Anger Management: A Guide for Teens

Anger is a natural human emotion, but when it becomes overwhelming or difficult to control, it can lead to problems in relationships, school, and personal well-being. For many teens, anger can feel like a powerful force that’s hard to manage. While it’s normal to feel angry at times, it’s essential to learn how to deal with this emotion in healthy and productive ways. Seeking help when struggling with anger is a sign of strength, not weakness. This article will explore why teens may struggle with anger, the importance of seeking help, and various ways to get the support they need.

Why Teens Struggle with Anger

Teens experience a variety of changes—physically, emotionally, and socially—that can make it hard to manage emotions like anger. Hormonal shifts during puberty, academic pressures, peer relationships, and conflicts with family can all contribute to frustration and anger. The part of the brain responsible for impulse control and decision-making, the prefrontal cortex, is still developing during adolescence, which can make emotional regulation more challenging (Giedd, 2015).

Additionally, some teens may feel that societal expectations encourage them to suppress emotions or “toughen up” instead of seeking help. This can lead to unhealthy expressions of anger, including aggression or internalizing negative feelings (Friedman, 2020).

Why Seeking Help Is Important

  1. Promotes Emotional Health
  • Seeking help for anger management is crucial for emotional health. Learning to understand and express anger in healthy ways can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, improving overall mental well-being (Sukhodolsky et al., 2017).
  1. Prevents Destructive Behavior
  • Uncontrolled anger can lead to destructive behaviors such as physical altercations, verbal outbursts, or damaging relationships. Seeking help provides teens with tools to manage their anger constructively, preventing these negative outcomes (American Psychological Association [APA], 2021).
  1. Builds Self-Awareness and Emotional Control
  • Working with a counselor, therapist, or trusted adult can help teens become more self-aware of their emotions and triggers. This increased awareness is the first step in developing emotional control, helping teens respond thoughtfully rather than impulsively when they’re angry (Child Mind Institute, 2020).
  1. Strengthens Relationships
  • Learning how to manage anger effectively improves relationships with friends, family, and teachers. When teens can communicate their feelings without becoming hostile, they foster healthier and more respectful connections (LeCroy & Daley, 2020).

Signs It’s Time to Seek Help for Anger

While everyone experiences anger, it’s important to recognize when it’s becoming a problem. Teens should consider seeking help if they:

  • Have frequent anger outbursts or aggressive behavior.
  • Feel constantly irritable, frustrated, or on edge.
  • Find it difficult to calm down once they get angry.
  • Experience physical symptoms of anger, such as headaches, rapid heartbeat, or tension.
  • Notice that anger is affecting their relationships with friends, family, or teachers.
  • Engage in risky or destructive behavior when angry (APA, 2021).

Where Teens Can Seek Help

  • Talk to a Trusted Adult: The first step for many teens is talking to a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. These adults can offer guidance, help you understand your feelings, and suggest ways to cope with anger. They can also help connect you with additional resources if needed (Child Mind Institute, 2020).
  • Work with a Therapist or Counselor: Therapy is one of the most effective ways to manage anger. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help teens recognize and change negative thought patterns that contribute to anger. A therapist can also teach relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, and communication strategies to manage anger more effectively (Sukhodolsky et al., 2017).
  • Join a Support Group: Support groups can be a great way to meet other teens dealing with similar struggles. These groups provide a safe space to talk about anger, share experiences, and learn coping strategies from peers. Many schools or community centers offer anger management groups for teens (LeCroy & Daley, 2020).
  • Use Mental Health Apps: There are several apps designed to help teens manage their emotions, including anger. Apps like Calm, Headspace, and MindShift offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques that can help teens de-stress and calm down when anger arises (Torrente, 2019).

Strategies Teens Can Learn in Therapy for Anger Management

  • Identifying Triggers: Therapy helps teens identify the situations, people, or events that trigger their anger. By understanding their triggers, teens can better anticipate and prepare for difficult situations (APA, 2021).
  • Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Learning deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques helps teens calm their bodies and minds when they start to feel angry. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and mindfulness can reduce the intensity of anger and prevent outbursts (Sukhodolsky et al., 2017).
  • Cognitive Restructuring: Cognitive restructuring involves changing the negative thoughts that fuel anger. Therapists teach teens to reframe their thinking and challenge assumptions that may be making them angrier than necessary. For example, instead of thinking, “This person is trying to embarrass me,” a more helpful thought might be, “Maybe they didn’t mean it that way” (LeCroy & Daley, 2020).
  • Assertive Communication: Teens learn how to express their feelings assertively, without becoming aggressive or shutting down. Assertive communication involves using “I” statements, such as “I feel frustrated when…” rather than blaming others, which can prevent conflicts from escalating (Child Mind Institute, 2020).
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Sometimes anger arises because of unresolved problems. Therapy can help teens develop problem-solving skills so that they can address the root causes of their frustration in healthy and constructive ways (Friedman, 2020).

Overcoming Stigma Around Seeking Help

Many teens may hesitate to seek help because of the stigma associated with mental health issues or anger management. However, it’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of emotional strength, not weakness. Everyone needs support at times, and learning how to manage emotions like anger is a vital skill for overall well-being (Giedd, 2015). Overcoming stigma starts with understanding that mental health is just as important as physical health, and getting help is a proactive step toward a healthier and happier life.


Struggling with anger is common for many teens, but it’s essential to know that help is available. Whether it’s talking to a trusted adult, working with a therapist, or joining a support group, seeking help for anger management is a crucial step in improving emotional health and well-being. By learning healthy coping strategies and understanding the underlying causes of anger, teens can gain control over their emotions and build stronger relationships with those around them.

This article has been written by John S. Collier, MSW, LCSW Mr. Collier has over 25 years of experience in the social work field and is based in London Kentucky through Southeast Kentucky Behavioral Health, LLC. Mr. Collier may be reached by phone at (606) 657–0532 extension 101 or by email at [email protected].


  • American Psychological Association. (2021). Controlling Anger Before It Controls You. https://www.apa.org/topics/anger/control
  • Child Mind Institute. (2020). How to Help Kids Manage Anger. https://childmind.org/article/how-to-help-kids-manage-anger
  • Friedman, H. S. (2020). The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study. Penguin Books.
  • Giedd, J. N. (2015). The Amazing Teen Brain: What Parents Need to Know. National Institute of Mental Health.
  • LeCroy, C. W., & Daley, J. (2020). Building Your Ideal Private Practice: A Guide for Therapists and Other Mental Health Professionals. Wiley.
  • Sukhodolsky, D. G., et al. (2017). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anger and aggression in children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 25(4), 623–634.
  • Torrente, R. (2019). Mindfulness for Teens: Proven Techniques to Reduce Stress, Manage Emotions, and Improve Focus. Rockridge Press.