Supports for Community Living Division

We provide a variety of supports through Medicaid Waivers known as the Supports for Community Lving and Michelle P. Waivers. The Supports for Community Living Waiver is a Medicaid Waiver that supports individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Supports include, but may not be limited to:

  • Positive Behavior Support Department
    • Consultative and Clinical Services
      • Functional Assessments of Challenging Behavior
      • Positive Behavior Support Plans
      • Training
      • Progress Monitoring
  • Person-Centered Coaching
  • Community Access Department (Coming Soon)

Consultative and Clinical Supports- Sometimes, an individual may begin to display a behavior that poses a risk to that person or someone else in the immediate environment. It is important to determine the “Function” of that particular behavior. The assessment helps attempt to determine what the person is trying to communicate. 

Positive Behavior Support Plan Development – A plan is developed to help address the behavioral concerns that are identified within the Functional Assessment to help change a variety of factors that may be contributing to the continuation of the repeated risky behavior. The plan can and should consist of a variety of methods that could include, but not be limited to changes in the environment, methods to address triggers, service and support, and the development of coping skills.

Training-Individualized training is completed with the people who interact with the person on a daily basis on how to best support that person in replacing their challenging behavior with a more appropriate replacement behavior. 

Person Centered Coaching – The department can assign a trained direct support professional to work one-on-one with the individual to work on specified and measurable goals. 

Monitoring– Once a plan is developed, face to face, telehealth, and other forms of monitoring are completed to monitoring the goals identified within the plan. 


Community Access – is a support that provides the individual with a one-on-one Community Access Specialist specifically trained to support the individual in access and developing a network of natural supports within his or her community.